Wednesday, December 25, 2024

এভাবে মিল অফিসার (Meal Officer) পদে এপ্লাই করেন


Job Vacancy Announcement for MEAL OFFICER


PositionMEAL OfficerNo. Of Vacancy01
Job TypeContractualSalaryUp to BDT 50,000.- Gross Per Month
Duty StationSatkhira SadarWeekdays6 days
Contract periodNovember 30, 2027Joining dateImmediate
SupervisorsProfessional: Project Manager
Disciplinary: Manager-MEAL
Functional AreaProgram
Community-based programme for climate-resilient and sustainable livelihoods in coastal areas of the Satkhira district, Bangladesh (BGD 1057)


ANANDO is a national, non-government, non-profit, non-political and voluntary development organization that came into existence as “ANANDO” in 1996 and afterwards registered with the Directorate of Social Services and NGO Affairs Bureau in August 1997.  The goal of ANANDO is the reduction of poverty by addressing sustainable livelihood development, women empowerment, climate change, water and sanitation, skill development promotion of enterprise, and peacebuilding. The purpose of ANANDO is to serve the extremely vulnerable communities and people at risk by reducing their vulnerability and suffering and promoting their sustainable socioeconomic development.

ANANDO’s programs are being implemented in 8 districts (Tangail, Cox’s Bazer, Khagrachari, Gazipur, Jamalpur, Rangamati, Satkhira, and Chittagong) through 21 Projects/Branch Offices of which 16 offices are own establishment. Its current development partners include USAID, Welthungerhilfe – BMZ, GFFO, Germany, Licht Brucke – BMZ, Germany, GIZ, Department of  Women Affairs (GOB), Bureau of Non-Formal Education ( GOB),  Skills for Employment Investment Program (SEIP), and PKSF.  


ANANDO, a long-standing and reliable partner of WHH, aligns with WHH's development strategy to strengthen its deep-rooted presence in Satkhira. This collaboration aims to address the economic challenges, food security issues, and livelihood concerns faced by both rural and urban populations in this coastal region. ANANDO will start the implementation of the three-year-long project titled “Community-based programme for climate-resilient and sustainable livelihoods in coastal areas of the Satkhira district, Bangladesh” in November 2024. The project aims to enhance the resilience of vulnerable communities and marginalized 5000 households against climate change impacts by improving access to safe sanitation, increasing agricultural production, developing women's interparental skills, and reinforcing local government capacity for climate-resilient measures. The project is financially supported by Welthungerhilfe-Germany and BMZ (German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development).   


ANANDO is inviting applications for the position of MEAL OFFICER, who will undertake the project’s program quality monitoring, and evaluations including indicator progress tracking, accountability and learning activities, under the supervision of Manager-MEAL & Documentation and Project Manager and in collaboration with the Head of Program of ANANDO. The MEAL OFFICER will be based in Satkhira district to lead the project’s MEAL components.

The MEAL OFFICER will develop, implement and execute the MEAL plan, contribute to internal and external assessments, log frame milestone assessments including milestone reports, supports in documenting and reporting, and maintain the database and provide relevant training to staff and volunteers.

The MEAL Officer will work to ensure that effective monitoring and evaluation systems are in place for the project. The post will also ensure ANANDO’s accountability to all stakeholders and project participants by implementing a functional and appropriate complaints or feedback mechanism. S/he will need to establish an innovative and robust MEAL system in line with the WHH’s measuring success indicators (MS Indicators) and sectoral indicators to track learning outcomes, monitor progress and track the effectiveness of activities and post-distribution monitoring, implemented under the project. The post-holder will lead the design and rendering of internal studies, household survey, KAP surveys and assessments that include focus group discussions, in-depth interviews, key informant interviews, desk reviews, qualitative and quantitative data collection and data analysis, case studies, reporting and result capturing, when required.


Program monitoring and quality assurance

  • Develop and implement an effective result-based M&E system including tools and techniques in collaboration with the donor, partners and program staff and ensure that M&E systems and procedures are well-integrated with donor and organization’s reporting systems and procedures;
  • Designing and functionalizing appropriate monitoring methodologies, tools, and techniques both for qualitative and quantitative aspects including the progress and effectiveness of the project to assess and improve the program quality.
  • Develop, manage, and oversee the project’s MEAL system in collaboration with the relevant technical staff; build staff capacity and provide mentoring support.
  • Monitor and assess the household-level program impact by updating the beneficiary database periodically.
  • Support the implementation of monitoring systems to systematically track project activities and their alignment with project outcomes.
  • Develop or advise on monitoring tools and methods for the project. Ensure the projects comply with the agreed MEAL plans and budget.
  • Conduct regular quality benchmarks of each program and prepare monitoring reports for the central management and program team based on the identified gaps and lessons.
  • Monitor all project activities, expenditures and progress toward achieving the project outputs;
  • Prepare quality monitoring and evaluation reports highlighting achievements and share with program staffs and senior management for further improvement;

Internal assessments and periodic evaluations

  • Coordinate, organize, and facilitate different research/evaluation ( baseline studies, mid-term evaluation or internal assessments, quarterly reviews of indicator progress, final evaluation, etc) using both qualitative and quantitative methods;
  • Support the project for conducting post-distribution monitoring after each distribution.
  • Develop questionnaires and data collection forms on KoBo, ODK, and Google Form for conducting the post-distribution monitoring, and guide enumerators and field workers. 
  • Lead any other internal assessments and studies, especially milestone assessments and annual outcome monitoring survey.
  • Prepare an indicator progress tracking table (IPTT) derived from the MEAL plan and track the indicator progress quarterly.
  • Develop ToR for hiring consulting firm following procedure and coordinate research and studies or project evaluations;
  • Conduct real-time evaluation or real-time review of ongoing activities and share the assessment report on a monthly basis with the project team and management as well as provide necessary recommendations to the respective personnel.
  • Provide necessary data, information and assessment findings to prepare various periodic reports such as monthly reports, quarterly reports, interim or annual reports, etc.
  • Visualize data by analyzing reports, information and raw data and produce different knowledge materials such as infographics, factsheets, etc.

Accountability and community feedback response mechanism  

  • Support establishing complaints handling procedures and feedback entry points by consulting with the affected community.
  • Ensure that feedback is routinely recorded, reviewed and responded to timely align with the feedback mechanism guidelines of ANANDO and WHH.
  • Call the beneficiary telephone number (randomly) or execute random household visits and find out if they have indeed benefited from our assistance, measuring the effectiveness of assistance including the satisfaction level of the project participants.
  • Consolidate the satisfaction survey data obtained through communities’ informal feedback, CRM, help desks, and exit interviews from distribution events.
  • Document accountability findings and prepare weekly and monthly complaints and feedback database with a tracking of follow-up of the complaints.
  • Provide weekly reporting on the accountability database and share it with the senior management team of ANANDO.
  • Take necessary actions if serious complaints are made, investigate, report, and follow up according to WHH and ANANDO’s complaints response guidelines.

Learning, adaptation, result capturing and knowledge sharing

  • Generate convincing evidence of project impact for the organization’s authority, policymakers, donors, government officials, internal and other stakeholders;
  • Capture lessons learned and best practices from the field and prepare case studies, and case studies/MSC stories for donors.  
  • Work with relevant ANANDO and donor staff in the preparation and dissemination of high-quality reports, PPT, and project documentation among partners, local government stakeholders, relevant government agencies, coordination sectors and donors.
  • Actively engage and take part, as assigned, in learning documentation, and result capturing; extracting critical lessons learned and good practices of the project through pause and reflect, project closure or periodic review workshop, learning agenda results, MEAL data, including assessments, final indicator and measuring success indicator.  
  • Contribute to developing new program concept notes based on the learning adaptations.  
  • Facilitate overall learning agenda by developing learning questions and learning documents or publications.
  • Identification and documentation of success stories, achievements, lessons learned and document recommendations to be integrated into broader knowledge management efforts.
  • Compile and disseminate information extracted from all available information management systems to management and other stakeholders as needed
  • Support program/project staff in organizing and writing high-quality reports on advocacy nots and networking events;
  • Prepare and edit video scripts and press releases, and documents, including case stories and content for website and social media in time; that contribute to the branding and knowledge management of WHH and ANANDO. 

Reporting and data management

  • Prepare periodic programmatic reports and M&E reports of the project for senior management and donors following the respective guidelines;
  • Produce high-quality progress reports and PPT for donors, board members, and relevant stakeholders both in English and Bengali;
  • Participate and contribute to periodic project Reviews and Planning workshops and assist the Head of Program in preparing materials for workshops.
  • Organize and facilitate M&E trainings and workshops including preparation of concept notes and development of training materials, training schedule, etc; if necessary.
  • Ensure program update sharing and highlight program and organizational achievements at different sectoral coordination meetings and NGO coordination meeting at district or upazila level.

Program support and others

  • Prepare a database of 5,000 households by conducting household surveys facilitating participatory rural appraisals and wealth ranking at the marginalized communities to assess their status of safe access to basic rights – sanitation, livelihood, food security, etc.
  • Prepare checklists of climate-resilient standards and monitor the water supply, sanitation, and hygiene, solid waste management are functional based on those standards.
  • Prepare slum profiles to assess and report the status of slums and measure the effectiveness of the Implementation of 50 large-scale awareness events (25 in rural and 25 in urban areas within the project region.
  • Assess the needs of the communities especially young people and adolescents on the alternative ways of securing the livelihoods and identity the gaps and needs of nutrition-sensitive and climate-adaptive farming.
  • Support advocacy and networking meetings with employees of the city administrations or municipalities and relevant interest groups.
  • Conduct regular staff and organizational capacity needs assessments and facilitate the training and workshop with project staff on identified capacity gaps and report them.
  • Any other tasks assigned by the technical and administrative supervisors.


  • Master’s degree, or relevant combination of qualifications and experience, in any relevant subjects from a reputed university.  
  • A minimum of 05 years of experience in MEAL in both humanitarian and development contexts.
  • Excellent interpersonal and communications skills, having the ability to work and relate with people from different socio-cultural backgrounds, including a wide array of stakeholders.
  • Ability to work individually with minimal supervision, within tight deadlines.
  • Willingness to travel and to participate in meetings/calls beyond the typical working hours.
  • Computer proficiency in MS Office, database, spreadsheet, and graphics presentations (including: KoBo, Excel, Access, SPSS, ODK), and other internet applications.
  • Understands international standards in humanitarian protection and accountability (e.g., HAP, CORE Humanitarian Standard, SPHERE)
  • Knowledge of local language, culture and customs of Satkhira will be preferred.
  • Knowledge of project cycle management and local laws and regulations including district, Upazila and NGOAB regulations is an asset.
  • Commitment to integrity, transparency, mutual respect, gender equality and respect to norms, culture, values, and principles.
  • Good analytical and report-writing skills with a proven command of English and Bangla.
  • Ability to drive motorbikes for frequent field monitoring visits.


  • Age up to 45 years
  • Minimum of 5 years of work experience in monitoring and evaluation in the development /NGO sector. Candidates knowing land and WASH, Livelihood, Climate Change and Agriculture activities are encouraged to apply;
  • S/he should have extensive experience in M&E and the latest IT techniques, reporting, documentation, and publication in development fields.
  • S/he should possess excellent writing, editing, and speaking skills in particularly English and also Bengali;
  • Sound IT literacy with good knowledge of MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and the Internet;
  • Displays cultural, gender, religious, Indigenous, and age sensitivity and adaptability;
  • Treats all people fairly without favoritism or discrimination;
  • Ability to identify and remedy problems and make decisions;
  • Committed to meeting the deadlines;
  • Ability to work under pressure with team spirit;
  • Fulfills all obligations to gender sensitivity and zero tolerance for sexual harassment.


ANANDO is an equal opportunity employer. Enthusiasts are requested to apply regardless any gender orientation, if you feel that your qualification and experience match with our requirements, and you would like to contribute to ANANDO’s values and vision.

Please submit your application with a CV and cover letter addressing the Executive Director of ANANDO in this

Please write in the subject line of your application “Application for MEAL Officer at ANANDO”. Ensure a working phone number and picture of the candidate are included in the application/cover letter. Applicants must mention the current or immediate past salary and expected minimum salary for the position applied for. Shortlisted candidates will be contacted by phone. Please be aware that the application material is not returnable. Applications must include proof of relevant experience and references. Only PDF files will be accepted. The cover letter and CV should be attached to the email application as a combined single PDF file. The attached file should not exceed more than 5 MB.  Applications made without following the aforementioned instructions will not be accepted. 

Application Deadline: On or Before 05: 00 PM January 04, 2025

Only candidates who have been short-listed will be notified. References will be taken and checked, and background and anti-terrorism checks will be conducted. Candidates with prior violations of the code of conduct, instances of sexual harassment or abuse, and convictions for fraud or corruption are ineligible to apply for this post. ANANDO has the right to change any terms and conditions mentioned here. After the probation period, other benefits (PF, Gratuity, Festival Bonus, Earn leave) will be entitled as per organizational policy.

Any sort of verbal or written persuasion will result in disqualification. ANANDO does not ask for or ever accept application fees.

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To be connected with ANANDO, please join with us on Facebookand YouTube.

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